PU timing belt BATK15


M = Open length

V = Endless with a splice


BRECO® BATK15 ( M/V )  
Standard length        50 & 100 m rolls
Lengths > 100 m  On request
Minimum length joint  960
Standard material   PU 92° Shore A 
Color  White
Tensile members  Steell -  Stainless steel
Versions  PAZ, PAR, en PAZ/PAR
Minimum number of teeth  25
Minimum pulley diameter  120
Minimum counter bending








Standard width in mm
50 75 100


BRECO® BATK15 ( M/V )     
Belt width b (mm) 50 75 100
M Steel cords
F_zul (N) 11200 16800 22400
V  Steel cords
F_zul (N) 5600 8400  11200
Weigth per meter KG/M 0.428  0.643  0.856


 Also available as truly endless (BRECOFLEX®), ask our sales team about the possibilities.


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